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Segway tours also available in Palanga and Nida during summer time.
Rent price in seaside is 80 Lt/hour.
For reservations please call:
+37061034444 Palanga, hotel "Palangos Vėtra", S.Daukanto str. 35
+37061134444 Nida, close to pier

Attention, important information!
Any one can ride SEGWAY. People are getting ready within minutes. Recommended riders weight is from 40 to 120 kg. Children younger than 10 years or with a weight less than 40 kg are under parent's responsibility. First time users will get instructions how to use SEGWAY. You need to wear helmet if you are under age of 16. We do not ride SEGWAYS if it is slippery or temperature drops below - 10OC. And of course we will answer all your questions, suggest the best route and will provide all needed help.